Year: 2022

Certification Exams of IT Installing and launching Streamlit IT Exams Local versus the cloud

Inputting text and numbers – Exploring Streamlit’s Features and Functionality

Inputting text and numbers Another extremely useful function in our web application is inputting, which is the process of entering some information. In this case, we have many widgets available out of the box. In the text_input widget, we only have to specify a label or caption and a placeholder – very easy!Name = st.text_input(“Your […]

Certification Exams of IT Installing and launching Streamlit IT Exams Streamlit features and widgets

DataFrames, plots, and visualizations – Exploring Streamlit’s Features and Functionality

DataFrames, plots, and visualizations Now, it’s time to deal with DataFrames, so let’s comment on something and continue exploring widgets. DataFrame is the name that the pandas library gives to its data. When a file, such as a CSV file, is imported into pandas, the result will be a DataFrame. We can think of a […]

Certification Exams of IT Configuring our environment Examples of Streamlit’s capabilities Installing and launching Streamlit IT Exams

Date, time, and more – Exploring Streamlit’s Features and Functionality

Date, time, and more Another very useful element that we can manage out of the box in Streamlit is date and time – that is, dates, hours, and so on. For example, to print today’s date on the screen, we just have to write the following:import datetimetoday = st.date_input(“Today is”, Here, the first line simply […]

Certification Exams of IT Configuring our environment Examples of Streamlit’s capabilities IT Exams Local versus the cloud

Configuring our environment – Streamlit Essentials – Configuring the Environment, Managing Packages, and More

Configuring our environment We are finally here and building our first web application from scratch! From scratch means working from the beginning, even before an empty Python file. The approach is easy – we start by sitting and coding together. Let’s start by creating our virtual environment, which is dedicated exclusively to this new app […]

Certification Exams of IT Configuring our environment Examples of Streamlit’s capabilities IT Exams Streamlit features and widgets

Installing and importing packages – Streamlit Essentials – Configuring the Environment, Managing Packages, and More

Installing and importing packages To make our web application work properly, we need the following Python packages: We can install all these packages in our virtual environment (so we must already be inside the virtual environment) by typing the following unique instruction:pipenv install streamlit textblob spacy neattext matplotlib wordcloud Please note that this operation can […]

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