As we can see, Python 3 is already installed in Ubuntu, and when we type python3, we can enter Python and start coding. In Figure 2.3, we just printed a nice Hello Streamlit! message and then quit. If you encounter an error while typing python3, it is possible that your system has Python available as […]
Setting up the OS – Setting Up the Python Coding Environment
Setting up the OS It’s extremely important to have a very well-working environment. The OS is the place where everything is supposed to run. Even if the first choice we are asked to make is in regard to the OS to be used, we can say that from this point of view, we are lucky, […]
IDE selection – Setting Up the Python Coding Environment
IDE selection Having a good IDE is very important for coding in Python. It provides many useful features that help you write code faster and with fewer errors, and keeps your code clean and well organized. For example, the autocomplete feature saves a lot of time by suggesting code completions as you type. This reduces […]
What is a virtual environment? 2 – Setting Up the Python Coding Environment
All the reasons mentioned in the preceding list are enough to make pipenv our choice for the management and creation of virtual environments. Now, we’ll proceed with the pipenv installation and with the description of its main commands. We can install pipenv together with pipenv-pipes by just typing the following command:sudo python3 –m pip install […]
What is a virtual environment? – Setting Up the Python Coding Environment
What is a virtual environment? Virtual environments are useful tools in Python development that allow you to isolate package installations related to a specific project from the main system’s Python installation. This means you can have separate environments with different package dependencies for different projects. Creating a virtual environment is easy using the venv module […]
Installing and launching Streamlit – Exploring Streamlit’s Features and Functionality
Installing and launching Streamlit Finally, we are ready to write our code to create beautiful web applications! Where do we start? The first thing we must do is install Streamlit. So, let’s create a new directory – we will call it streamlit_course. Once you’re inside it, prepare a new virtual environment by typing the well-known […]
Streamlit features and widgets – Exploring Streamlit’s Features and Functionality
Streamlit features and widgets The very first step has been completed: Streamlit is up and running. What we need to do now is add text, widgets, elements, and more to make something beautiful that also works correctly. To start populating our web app with nice and useful widgets, we need to write some Python code. […]
Colored textboxes – Exploring Streamlit’s Features and Functionality
Colored textboxes In terms of text, we can have beautiful textboxes consisting of different colors to indicate a warning, an error, and so on. This kind of color code can be very useful when we’re building our web application. Let’s take a look at the code:st.success(“Success!”)“Information”)st.warning(“This is a warning!”)st.error(“This is an error!”) The first piece […]